Everything You Need To Know About Digital Marketing and How To Get Started?

The usage of the internet has increased over the past decade. More people are spending their time online. Marketing or promoting the business online has become so important to get that competitive edge and stay ahead in the market.

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is a type of marketing which is totally different from the traditional marketing. Digital marketing is where you promote and market your business online. You find potential customers online and you target these customers. You can call it online marketing or digital marketing. They refer to any marketing assets or efforts made online.

There are several digital marketing strategies that you can use to promote your business online. I have listed a few that you can follow and I have shortlisted the best strategies that I personally followed in my years of experience at a digital marketing agency in Surat.

The effective strategies:

  • Social Media Marketing – Social Media Marketing is an organic way of marketing your brand online. You can promote your brand on various social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and so on. This is the most efficient way to reach potential customers and increase the brand awareness.

  • Search Engine Optimization – This is also an organic way to rank your website at the top of the SERP. The higher your website ranks the more visitors you will attract on your website and this would lead to the increase in conversion. On-Page and Off-Page activities are performed to get the results.

  • Email Marketing – Mostly email marketing is done to provide offers, deals and coupons to the customers that would attract them to the brand. It’s the oldest form of online marketing and still used by many digital marketers to promote their brand.

  • Search Engine Marketing -  It is a form of marketing in which you show your ads to the customers who search for a particular product or service in the search engine.  It works on the pay per click model and you can use Google Adwords to create ad copies, bid and create a campaign. It is basically if you want to show your ads online.

Is Digital Marketing worth?

This is one question that I have heard while practicing online marketing in Surat. Most of the people are still not sure about it. So, my answer is yes, of course Digital Marketing is worth the time and investment. With the help of digital marketing, you can reach more customers, you can increase your brand awareness and also keep a track of the data. By using analytics, you can get insights and see what is working and what is not. Accordingly, strategies can be made and monitored. Businesses who have started digital marketing have noticed an improvement in sales.

Digital Marketing helps the business to market their goods and services to customers and businesses. It makes B2B and B2C marketing easy. Different strategies can be created to promote to the customers and businesses and the results can be monitored. So, with minimal efforts as compare to traditional marketing, your brand can penetrate in both B2B and B2C if your company caters to it.

How to get started?

  • Getting started with digital marketing is easy. There are several platforms where you can register and get started. Like for social networking sites, you can just register, create your account and start promoting. Also, for running ads, you just need to create a Google adwords account and get started. But there are few questions that you need to be clear about before starting off with Digital Marketing:

  • Cost Involved in Meeting Goals – Just starting off with Digital Marketing without any pre-planning can be vague. Therefore, it is necessary to know how much do you want to make, what amount of investment is required and what strategies are you going to follow. What matters is ROI. Digital Marketing must drive profit and by analyzing the and setting the goal you get an idea about the cost involved to achieve it.

  • Who is your Target Audience – Once you know the goal and cost involved to achieve it, the next is know your target audience. Whom are you going to focus on? To make digital marketing effective you need to identify the audience to whom your product and services caters to. This will help you to get more profit and reduce the cost involved. When targeting the right audience, you increase the chances of conversion.

  • Worth of your Customers – Before going ahead with digital marketing you must know the worth of each customer. If you are spending more than the actual worth then you will be in a loss. So, proper calculation must be made beforehand. Calculate the lifetime value of the customer and the cost of acquisition.


Digital Marketing is the future and your brand must create a digital presence to gain the maximum out of it. Incredible results can be achieved through digital marketing. Just proper planning and strategy is needed to make it a successful one. Even if you are not confident enough to do it on your own or if you are lacking the manpower than you can always hire a digital marketing agency.


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